短片簡介 (Short Video Introduction)
A. 從活動中學習開拓與創新精神及人文素養 (Learning entrepreneurial spirit and humanistic qualities from the activities)
- 組員會互相溝通和合作,制定問題的替代解決方案。
Team members will communicate and collaborate to formulate alternative solutions to the problem.
- 持開放態度,學習在想出新替代方案時接受他人的看法。
Open oneself to possibilities and learn to accept other people’s perspectives in coming up with new alternatives.
- 發揮創意,運用視覺和語言線索,激發新意念,形成新方案。
Be creative in using visual and verbal cues to stimulate new ideas for formulating new alternatives.
B. 活動目的和預期成果 (Objectives, expected outcomes of the activity)
- 隊伍學習提高警惕,避免尋求單一或標準答案的誘惑。
The team will learn about the importance of resisting the temptation to look for single or standard anwer to a problem.
- 透過構思替代辦法,他們能看見更多解決困難的可能。當有足夠的時間思考決定和聆聽更多意見,部分同學甚至會有更佳的表現。
By generating alternatives, they can see more possibilities in solving the problem. Some may be better than others when given enough time to defer judgement and listening to more views.
- 激發創意有很多方法,SCAMPER是其中一種。
There are many techniques that can be used to stimulate idea generation. The SCAMPER method is one of them.
- 期望學生運用SCAMPER,建立解決問題的替代方案。
The students are expected to use the SCAMPER method to generate alternative solutions to the problem.
- 學生會學習藉便利貼投票過濾意念。
Students also learn to filter the ideas by voting with post-it notes.
C. 執行細節 (Implementation Details)
- 把SCAMPER方法中的七個關鍵字列在大紙上。
List the seven keyword of the SCAMPER method on a big piece of paper.
- 接着,隊伍會利用每個SCAMPER方法中的關鍵字制定出替代方案(例如:代替、合併、適應、擴大/小化、作為其他用途、消去、倒轉)。
Next the team will formulate alternative scenarios with each SCAMPER keyword (e.g. Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Magnify/Minimize, Put to Other Use, Eliminate, Reverse).
- 把方案放入用戶歷程圖,制定能紓緩或解決問題的未來用戶旅程 (future journey)。
Put the scenario into the journey map to formulate a new user journey in which the problem can be mitigated or resolved.
- 利用why-how laddering,從why開始不斷追問how的問題,制定能紓緩或解決問題的未來手段。
Use why-how laddering chart to keep breaking down the ‘why’ into ‘how’ for coming up with future means to implement the solution.
- 創建解決方法的草圖,用作檢測目標用戶的反應。
Create sketches of the solution to be used for obtaining feedback from target users.
D. 學生工作紙
SCAMPER Checklist (點擊連結) - 用戶歷程圖 – 描繪未來的用戶經驗和相關問題的背景
User Journey Map for projecting the future user experience and problem context. (點擊連結) - 利用why-how Laddering工作紙,結合未來的用戶歷程圖,設計能針對問題的解決方案。
Combine why-how laddering worksheet and journey map to design a solution to address the given problem. (點擊連結)
E. 資源庫連結 (Reference Links)
1. SCAMPER: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
2. Application Of SCAMPER: Critical & Creative Thinking (點擊連結)
3. 用戶歷程圖 – Journey Map: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
4. Why-how Laddering: Stanford D.School (點擊連結)