5. 設計思維步驟4:製作原型 (Prototype)

短片簡介 (Short Video Introduction)

A.   從活動中學習開拓與創新精神及人文素養 (Learning entrepreneurial spirit and humanistic qualities from the activities)

  • 善用基本物料如紙版,建構能展示具體方案的快速原型。
    Be resourceful in using basic materials such as cardboard to construct rapid prototypes for visualizing the solution.
  • 鍛鍊集體創意,製作有效呈現方案的原型。
    Exercise collective creativity to create prototypes that can demonstrate the potential solutions in a visual way.
  • 學習分工,把每位組員放在能發揮所長的崗位上。
    Learning to divide up the works and put each team member into a posiiton in which one’s strength can be best utilized.
  • 敢於冒險,試驗各種不同的執行模式。
    Take risk to experiment with various forms of presenting the solutions.

B.   活動目的和預期成果 (Objectives, expected outcomes of the activity)

  • 隊伍能看到自己的意念變成具體的原型,並且從實踐中不斷修正,達到理想的結果。
    The team will be able to see their ideas come alive in the form of a prototype that can be further refined and improved to reach desirable outcomes.
  • 隊伍亦學懂在思考方案的時候,善用資源和不斷實驗,活用基本物料如卡紙,建構能展示具體方案的快速原型。
    The team also learns to be resourceful and experimental in coming up with their solutions by utilizing basic materials such as cardboard papers. They build to learn.

C.   執行細節 (Implementation Details)

  • 集合紙版與其他物料(如橡筋、吸帶、膠帶),用來製造原型。
    Gather the cardboards and other prototyping supplies (e.g. rubber bands, straws, masking tapes) together for buidling the prototype.
  • 把設計草圖放在附近,方便製造紙版原型時能邊看邊做。
    Put the design sketches in a close distance for visual reference during the construction of the cardboard prototype.
  • 量度草圖的維度,並按量度比例裁剪紙版,製成方便組裝的基本組件。
    Measure the lengths of the sides forming the sketched object and use the measurement to cut the cardboard into smaller pieces to form the basic components for further assembly.
  • 根據草圖完成組裝工作,表現出設計的外觀。
    The final assembled object should look like the original sketch, showing the appearnace of the design.
  • 外觀應清楚顯示出設計功能,如何解決問題,满足用户需要。
    The appearance should clearly show the functions to be performed by the design for addressing the problem.
  • 把原型放置於用戶歴程的場景中,創造出新的故事,由同學透過角色扮演,描繪問題如何在未來得到解決。
    Put the prototype into the user journey to create a new story which can be role played by the students to depict a future scenario in which the initial problem has been mitigated or resolved.

D.   學生工作紙 (Student Worksheets)

E. 資源庫連結 (Reference Links)

1. 如何製作紙原型 – How to make a paper prototype: Quirky (點擊連結)
2. 甚麽是原型製作 What is a prototype: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
3. 體驗/故事原型視頻A – UX/Story Prototype Video A: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
4. 體驗/故事原型視頻B – UX/Story Prototype Video B: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
5. 製作原型 – Making a Prototype: Hong Kong Design Centre (點擊連結)
6. 四個快速製作原型的上佳方法 – Top 4 Quick Prototyping Methods: Nick Babich