2. 設計思維步驟1:身同感受 (Empathy)

短片簡介 (Short Video Introduction)

A.   從活動中學習開拓與創新精神及人文素養 (Learning entrepreneurial spirit and humanistic qualities from the activities)

  • 戴上眼罩,模擬視障人士一天的生活,使學生明白角色面對的挑戰。
    Blind folding simulation of the day of the life of a visually impaired person for students to understand the challenges faced by the protagonist.
  • 發展出對目標人物的同理心,從他/她的角度瞭解問題。
    Develop empathy for the target to understand the problem from his/her perspective.
  • 在隊員訪問包括陌生人的持分者時,學習接受被拒。
    Learn to accept rejections when conducting interviews with stakeholders who may be strangers to the team.
  • 以團隊形式活動,學生能分享和比較彼此觀察所得,從而對有關問題更深入瞭解。
    Working as a team, the students will share and compare their observations to gain insights into the problem situation.

B.  活動目的和預期成果 (Objectives, expected outcomes of the activity)

  • 同學能學習切身處地代入別人觀點的重要。
    Students will understand the importance of putting oneself into someone’s shoes to assume that person’s point of view.
  • 同學能學會如何運用「同理心地圖」與「用戶旅程地圖」描述當前問題。
    Students will learn how to use the “Empathy Map” and “User Journey Map” to describe current problem.

C.  實踐細節 (Implementation Details)

  • 步驟 1 – 請其中一位組員載上眼罩。
    Step 1 – Ask one of the team member to be blind-folded.
  • 步驟 2 – 安排他/她進行一個日常活動(如在不沾濕自己手指的情況下把水倒入杯子,想像那是熱水!)
    Step 2 – A daily task (e.g. pouring water into a cup without wetting one’s fingers. Imagine the water is hot!) will be given to him/her to perform.
  • 步驟 3 – 進行活動時,模擬視障的組員需說出自己的想法,讓其他人觀察和做筆記。
    Step 3 – The blind-folded member has to think aloud while performing the tasks so others can observe and take notes.
  • 步驟 4 – 其他成員需保持安靜,亦不能幫助模擬視障的同學。
    Step 4 – The other members have to remain silent and resist offering help to the blind-folded person.
  • 步驟 5 – 模擬視障的同學分享他/她在完成活動時的感受和困難,其他人則匯報自己的觀察所得並比較不同的觀點。
    Step 5 – The blind-folded person will share his/her feelings and difficulties in performing the tasks and the others will report their observations to compare the different perspectives.

D.  學生工作紙 (Student Worksheets)

  • 同理心地圖 – 描繪主角如何透過五觀去感知世界
    Empathy Map – for depicting how the protagonist sees the world through 5 senses (點擊連結)
  • 用戶歷程圖 – 描繪現在的用戶經驗和相關問題的背景
    User Journey Map – for depicting the current user experience and related problem context (點擊連結)
  • 人格輪廓圖 – 了解用戶的人格背景和價值及行為取向
    Persona Profile – Understand the user’s personality background, value and behavioural preference. (點擊連結)

E. 資源庫連結 (Reference Links)

1. 同理心地圖 Empathy Map: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
2. 同理心地圖短片 Empathy Map Video: Chris Conley (點擊連結)
3. 用戶歷程圖 Journey Map: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
4. 客户歷程101 Customer Journey Mapping 101: NNgroup (點擊連結)
5. 人格輪廓 Persona: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
6. 如何用設計思維描述人格輪廓? How to Create Personas for Design Thinking: Innovation Training (點擊連結)