3. 設計思維步驟2:認清問題 (Definition)

短片簡介 (Short Video Introduction)

A.  從活動中學習開拓與創新精神及人文素養(Learning entrepreneurial spirit and humanistic qualities from the activities)

  • 隊伍將學會從故事角色的角度構建觀點和看法。
    The team will learn to frame the problem from the point-of-view of the protagonist.
  • 探討角色遇到問題和導致問題的背後故事及內容。
    The context in which the protagonist encounters the problem and the background story leading to its occurence will be investigated.
  • 以團體活動形式,學生互相溝通協作,從多角度、以充滿創意的方法來研究問題,再運用批判性思考,作多角度考慮,把問題的本質,清楚陳述出來。
    Working as a team, the students will communicate and collaborate to examine the problem situation creatively from multiple perspectives, then they will apply their critical thinking capabilites to formulate a problem statement taking all the critical factors into consideration.

B.  學懂由角色的角度建立看法 (Objectives, expected outcomes of the activity)

  • 學生能熟習擴散和聚斂思維,學會從觀察所得進行分析及綜合,界定出要解決的問題,為下階段制定對策。
    The student will become familiar with both divergent and convergent modes of thinking, learning to break down one’s observation into classified categories for analysis as well as to synthesize the findings into a problem statement for solution generation in the next phase.
  • 學習須抓住調查的焦點,避免被大量散亂的數據淹沒。
    Learn to obtain a focus for further investigation instead of drowning oneself in massive and fragmented data.

C.  執行細節 (Implementation Details)

  • 把觀察時收集到的圖片、筆記、素描和地圖(同理心與用戶旅程地圖)張貼在白板或牆壁上。
    Post the pictures, notes, sketches, and maps (Empathy and User Journey Maps) taken from the observation to a whiteboard or a wall
  • 組員可以將便利貼貼在已張貼的資料旁,作為個人觀察的延伸。
    Members of the team can post post-it notes next to the posted materials to ellaborate on one’s observation.
  • 問誰(who)?甚麼(what)?和為何(why)?等問題,從中理解導致問題出現的前因後果。
    Ask who? what? why? and how? questions to understand the context and sequence of events leading to the problem.
  • 圍繞 who, what, why把收集到的資料歸類。
    Group similar observations under the categories of who, what, and why.
  • 利用 why-how laddering 的分析和綜合的套路,疏理價值理念和具體行動之間的關係。
    Apply Why-how laddering techniques to sort out the between and actions.
  • 將合併所得,用作問題陳述的定義 (problem statement definition)。
    Combine and turn the who? what? why? and how? into a problem statement.

D.  學生工作紙 (Student Worksheets)

  • 利用「問題陳述紙」,按「同理心地圖」與「用戶歷程圖」所找到的線索,填寫誰?甚麼?為甚麼?等資料來完成問題陳述的定義。
    Use the “Problem Statement Sheet” to write up the Who? What? Why? How? of the current problem found in the “Empathy Map” and “User Journey Map”. (點擊連結)
  • 利用Why-how Laddering工作紙,從用戶歷程中出現的情節,找出用戶最關心的價值目標 (why)。
    Use Why-how laddering worksheet to identify the ultimate goal and value found in the user journey. (點擊連結)

E. 資源庫連結 (Reference Links)

1. 問題陳述 – Problem Statement: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
2. Why-how Laddering: Stanford D.School (點擊連結)