8. 數位公民的國際視野 (Global View of a Digital Citizen)

末來學校 (School of the Future)

A.   國際經驗 (International Experience)

Combine digital technology and design thinking to nurture 21st century innovators.

Education makes learning fun, satisfying our endless curiosity.

  • 印度的Riverside School,以設計思維為學生充權,使他們回復自信。
    The Riverside School from India empowers its students through design thinking, enabling them to rebuild their self-confidence. (點擊連結)
  • 韓國的Korea International School in Seongnam以設計思維啓發學生, 讓他們的能發掘出學校和生活中的種種問題,結合STEM教學來尋求解決辦法。
    The Korea School in Seongnam combines design thinking and STEM to inspire students to develop solutions to problems found in school and their daily life. (點擊連結)
  • 設計思維把教育回歸以人為本,但創新的動力還是要靠我們如何善用科技。
    Although design thinking has restored human centric values back into education, proper use of technology is still needed to boost innovation. (點擊連結)
  • ALT SCHOOL – 以矽谷初創公司的運作模式來開辦的學校。
    ALT School, a school found on the principles that foster startups.

B.   教學目的和預期成果

  • 以project-based learning的教學方法, 讓同學能從校園及生活中找出種種問題,自己主動去解決。
    Enable students to discover problems in school and daily life and actively seek solutions to address them through project-based learning pedagogy.
  • 審視學習的意義,不以死讀書,考試拿高分作為學習目標。
    Reflect on the meaning of learning. Rote memorisation and getting high grades will no longer be learning goals.
  • 了解科技的重要,善用它來不斷充實自己。
    Understand the importance of technology and leverage it for continuous self-improvement.
  • 學習將變成終身事業,以為社會不斷創造價值為目標。
    Learning will become a life-long career, with continuous value creation for society as one’s goal.

C.   善用科技,個人化學習

  • 用數碼科技追踪個人進度,獲得老師及其他人積極有用的回饋。
    Track personal progress with digital technology by obtaining positive and applicable feedback from teachers and others.
  • 用數碼科技制定個人化的學習及任務清單,自小養成獨立自主的人格。
    Personalise learning through digital technology for enabling students to become an independent and autonomous person from an early age on.

D. 案例連結

1. What School Could Be: Why Not Now?!: What School Could Be (點擊連結)
2. Empowering Students With Design Thinking: Edutopia (點擊連結)
3. Improving School Experiences with Design Thinking: DavidLeeEdTech(點擊連結)
4. How to Conduct Design Thinking Workshop: Asking the Right Questions: DavidLeeEdTech (點擊連結)
5. Digital Citizenship for Students: DavidLeeEdTech (點擊連結)
6. Biometrics STEM Project in Schools: DavidLeeEdTech (點擊連結)
7. 培養創業精神的學校 AltSchool – a school for nurturing entrepreneurial spirit: 天下文化 (點擊連結)
8. AltSchool combines personalization and technology: CBS This Morning (點擊連結)