短片簡介 (Short Video Introduction)
A. 從活動中學習開拓與創新精神及人文素養 (Learning entrepreneurial spirit and humanistic qualities from the activities)
- 設計思維有賴批判思考來審視解決方案達致的結果。
Design thinking requires critical thinking to examine the result achieved by the solution.
- 期望同學能展示出驗證假設的能力,從目標用戶的角度出發,審視解決方案是否可行。
Expect students to demonstrate the ability to verify assumptions, taking the point of view of the user to examine the feasibility of the solution.
- 同學從測試中學懂接受失敗,改善錯誤,實在非常重要。
Learn to accept failure and correct mistakes is very important.
B. 活動目的和預期成果 (Objectives, expected outcomes of the activity)
- 期望同學能從測試中找出假設的漏洞。
Expect students to find gaps in the assumptions through testing the assumptions.
- 審視原型有否改善的地方,有助驗證假設。
The team will be able to see their ideas come alive in the form of a prototype that can be further refined and improved to reach desirable outcomes for testing out the assumptions.
- 學生將發現設計思維的過程是不斷修正更新,大家可以從錯誤中持續學習和進步。
Design thinking is an iterative process. Students can continuously learn from the mistakes and make progress.
C. 執行細節 (Implementation Details)
- 向目標用戶展示原型,獲得他們的回饋。
Obtain feedback from the users through presenting the prototype in front of them.
- 用角色扮演的方式來展示方案成果,當中包括敍述用户故事,說明原型所展現的設計意思念如何解決問題。
Put the prototype into the user story which can be role played by the students to present a solution in which the initial problem has been resolved.
D. 學生工作紙 (Student Worksheets)
E. 資源庫連結 (Reference Links)
1. 甚麽是原型測試? What is a usability test?: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)
2. 原型測試 Prototype Testing: Justin Mifsud (點擊連結)
3. 用户原型研究:問題問對了 – User Research with Prototypes: Asking the Right Questions: Dan Brown (點擊連結)
4. 原型測試的使用性研究 – Usability Testing With Prototypes: Cassandra Naji (點擊連結)
5. 原型測試 – 如何收集回饋和提升成效? Test Your Prototypes – How to Gather Feedback and Maximise Learning: Interaction Design Foundation (點擊連結)